Updated Chautauqua County Relocation Guides Now Available

Booklets are intended to help promote and provide key information about relocating to the county

The recently updated Chautauqua County Relocation Guide has been rebranded to align with the new “Live CHQ” talent attraction and retention initiative and provides information on various aspects of county living, including the county’s key job sectors. A digital version of the guide can be found at

JAMESTOWN, NY -- The County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency (CCIDA) and the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth (CCPEG) are pleased to announce the completion and publication of an updated version of the Chautauqua County Relocation Guide.

First published in 2019, the 27-page Relocation Guide was created to help provide key information about Chautauqua County, including the character and location of community amenities, events, places to recreate and spend leisure time, and the industries located here, as well as information about schools, the cost of living, and housing. The 2024 edition of the guide provides updated information, and also leverages branding of the recently launched Live CHQ talent attraction and retention initiative.

Mark Geise, Deputy County Executive or Economic Development and CCIDA CEO, said the CCIDA and CCPEG are encouraging local employers to use the guide, along with the Live CHQ website, to help inform and educate prospective employees about the benefits of living in the county.

“We know many of our businesses and nonprofits need skilled, talented, and experienced employees to fill vacant positions; however, the effort to find prospective job candidates is becoming more and more competitive, not only regionally but across the entire country,” Geise said. “Our Relocation Guide is intended to provide employers a valuable tool for their hiring efforts, especially when recruiting prospective employees from outside of Chautauqua County who may not be familiar with all that the county has to offer.”

According to Geise, the Chautauqua County Relocation Guide can be used on its own or as a companion piece to the recently launched Live CHQ talent attraction and retention marketing initiative, which was created to help individuals, professionals, businesses, families, and others learn all about the county and why it’s a wonderful place to live, work, conduct business, and recreate.

To help get the guide in the hands of key stakeholders, the CCIDA and CCPEG have printed several thousand copies and are in the process of meeting with business HR professionals to discuss this tool and provide hard copies. In addition, a digital version of the guides is available at Employers, recruitment agencies, community leaders, realtor groups, and others are encouraged to link the digital version of the Relocation Guide and the Live CHQ website to their websites and job postings.

Any local employer, realtor, or community group in the south county interested in getting a copy or copies of the guide can contact Jason Sample, CCIDA and CCPEG Marketing and Communications Coordinator, at 716-661-8302 or by emailing Those in the north county can contact Monica Simpson, CCPEG Partner Engagement Coordinator, at 716-363-3770 or email Copies can also be picked up during regular business hours at the CCIDA and CCPEG Jamestown or Dunkirk offices.

About CCIDA - The CCIDA is an economic development organization authorized and empowered by the State of New York to make Chautauqua County a better place to work, live, and visit. It facilitates development by attracting new businesses, while promoting the retention and expansion of existing businesses. Assistance in the form of incentives – tax abatements, low interest loans, and bond financing – enhances the opportunities for job creation and retention by our businesses. For more information visit

About CCPEG - The Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth (CCPEG) serves as the main convener of economic development partners and resources to advance key projects that achieve economic prosperity in Chautauqua County. It also serves as the catalyst and broker of resources for advancing economic prosperity efforts and is the central coordinating entity for the formation, retention, development, and attraction of quality jobs and advancements to the quality of life. It is an initiative of the Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation (CREDC). For more information visit