Chadakoin River Business Plan Receives Prestigious Award


Nate Aldrich

(716) 363-3672

Local Public and Private Partners Recognized During Annual Conference in Ithaca

Representatives from the City of Jamestown, Gebbie Foundation, CCIDA, Chautauqua County Planning & Development, CCPEG, C&S Companies, and the Harrison Studio were recently in Ithaca to accept the American Planning Association (APA) New York Upstate Chapter’s “Best Practice” award for the development and completion of the Chadakoin River Strategic Business Plan. (Image courtesy of APA New York Upstate Chapter)

ITHACA, NY -- The American Planning Association (APA) New York Upstate Chapter has awarded the Chadakoin River Strategic Business Plan with its “Best Practice” award. The award was presented to the numerous individuals involved with developing the plan during the chapter’s annual meeting in Ithaca earlier this month.

The Chadakoin River Strategic Business Plan was designed as an easy-to-deploy blueprint for the development of the City of Jamestown’s river corridor as a unique and vibrant destination that capitalizes upon existing assets, identifies important public improvements, increases the amount of activity while improving quality of life, and leverages future investments. Armed with a clear understanding of the existing conditions, the plan proposes a series of individual activities - varied in nature - but all designed to enhance the Chadakoin corridor as a vibrant urban waterway with exceptional recreational and ecotourism opportunities. It was completed in the spring of 2021.

The concept to develop the plan as a “business strategy” is the result of the public-private collaboration between a variety of stakeholders, including the City of Jamestown, Gebbie Foundation, County of Chautauqua Industrial Development Agency (CCIDA) /Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth (CCPEG), Jamestown Board of Public Utilities, Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy, Jamestown Renaissance Corporation, and several Jamestown-based businesses.

The core group that worked on completing the plan included the City of Jamestown, Gebbie Foundation, CCIDA, Chautauqua County Planning & Development, CCPEG, C&S Companies, and the Harrison Studio.

“A lot of time and effort went into the development of this plan by multiple partners and we were thrilled to see all of our hard work being recognized through this special award,” said Mark Geise, CCIDA CEO and CCPEG Advisory Board Co-Chair. “Implementation of the recommendations suggested in this strategy will result in activation of this critical downtown asset.”

“The Chadakoin River Business Plan is an invaluable tool in helping to guide the development of the Chadakoin River corridor for years to come, helping to lead to a stronger and more vibrant economy for the city of Jamestown and Chautauqua County. Thank you to Upstate New York APA for recognizing the work that went into creating this crucial document,” said Crystal Surdyk, City of Jamestown Development Director.

The APA New York Upstate Chapter’s “Best Practice” award is given annually to a specific planning tool, practice, program, project, or process in New York State. The award emphasizes results and demonstrates how innovative and state-of-the-art planning methods and practices help to create communities of lasting value.

CCPEG has worked with the city and other project partners to leverage the plan to secure several grants and funding commitments to advance several projects recommended within it, including a Department of State Local Waterfront Revitalization Program award of $1,280,661, an Empire State Development capital grant in the amount of $361,000, $50,000 from CCPEG, and an allocation of ARPA funding from the City of Jamestown.

Funds will advance a first phase of improvements to the Chadakoin River Basin area to increase public access to the water and spur economic activity in and around downtown Jamestown. Enhancements to the north shore of the Basin include a signature garden, mural, tiered seating space, and placemaking items. The south shore will benefit from the addition of a kayak launch, dock, and welcome center for visitors.  The City is currently out to bid on this phase of work and anticipates improvements getting underway in 2025.

The full Chadakoin River Business Plan can be found under the “Business Development” section of

About CCPEG - The Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth (CCPEG) serves as the main convener of economic development partners and resources to advance key projects that achieve economic prosperity in Chautauqua County. It also serves as the catalyst and broker of resources for advancing economic prosperity efforts and is the central coordinating entity for the formation, retention, development, and attraction of quality jobs and advancements to the quality of life. It is an initiative of the Chautauqua Region Economic Development Corporation (CREDC). For more information visit